In this day and age, women are aware of what they bring to the table and how their ideas and empathy contributes to the rise of every venture they associate themselves with.

According to the Global Gender Gap Report 2020, it will take another 100 years to achieve gender equality based on the current rate of progress in the growth of female entrepreneurs in society. This prediction has been significant in pushing decision-makers, stakeholders across different industries, and access points to work towards bridging this gap and solving for female representation in higher level positions. In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, 2020 was a significant one for women in leadership and the progress for women continues to move forward as more women have assumed leadership of huge and influential companies.
This awareness has given the opportunity for women-led startups to thrive and soar and has proven that diversity in leadership and representation of women in non-traditional roles positively impacts growth.
Startups work in a dynamic environment and adaptability is key for success. So what are some of the key factors to success as an entrepreneur?
By learning to believe in themselves, female entrepreneurs learn not to seek approval or acceptance. Believing in yourself allows women entrepreneurs to become confident and as mentioned above, committed to overcoming failures or hardships.
Know Where to Focus Energy and Time.
By focusing on the tasks at hand and not allowing external thoughts or distractions get in the way, event professionals and entrepreneurs alike can accomplish more and accomplish it better. Sometimes it's hard with work/life balance and it isn't always a perfect start but trying to allocate the time on tasks and priorities go a long way.
Learn How to Hold Yourself Accountable.
Set goals - learn to track and monitor them. Manage your expectations. Don't be shy or afraid to sing your praises. Know when you need to pause and re-evaluate. Every aspect of personal accountability and being honest with ourselves will empower any entrepreneur to be more successful. It's important that women believe in themselves, for themselves.
Don't Be Afraid in Asking for Help.
Whether faced with a task that we don't know how to do, there are not enough hours in the day to do, or merely we just can't do it - by learning to ask for help, women entrepreneurs can reveal their strengths, not their weaknesses. By not asking for help, especially in business, we are utilizing time and efforts that could have been focused in a better effort.
Don't Let Fear of Failure Stop You
By fearing failure, women often don't leap into entrepreneurship. If famous and successful female entrepreneurs such as CoCo Chanel, Ruth Handler (creator of Barbie), Oprah Winfrey, Sarah Blakely (Spanx), and many others, allowed failure to hold them back our world would be an entirely different place. Fear is natural, but overcoming fear is powerful.
Always Be Committed.
Staying committed allows female entrepreneurs to stay focused and determined. It allows us to not need approval or validation from others and helps us continue to grow and become more successful.
Believe in Yourself Before Anyone Else Will.
By learning to believe in themselves, female entrepreneurs learn not to seek approval or acceptance. Believing in yourself allows women entrepreneurs to become confident and as mentioned above, committed to overcoming failures or hardships.
Finally, and more importantly, empower those around you. Without asking for credit, by providing an opportunity for others - by empowering others - female entrepreneurs can attract the best of the best - the best employees, the best mentors, the best clients, etc. Listen, be empathetic, be encouraging - be empowering in your entrepreneur endeavors.